banyak mende dh jadey semalam... (actuali xbyk sgt) ahaha.
lusa dah EXAM okkk!!!
aime...arini don waste ur time dgn bende bukan2..its not the time..huhh...
so here i jot down a bit la. . .
the list of exam i'll be taken 4 da rest of the week (MOnday- FridaY)
Isnin - REMED PA dan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
Selasa - Bedah, Teori Mikrobiology
Rabu - PLENO dan Teori parasit dan Teori n prac Farmako
Khamis - SKILL Lab dan Prac Mikrob
Jumaat - Ilmu Kulit Kelamin n prac parasit n INTEGRasi. . . . .
that's it....
good luck 4 me! n gudluck 4 all my gorgeous n handsome frenzZ too.. :) (bagi korang semangat sket) huhu..